Tuesday 11 January 2011

M/S Pacific Princess in Santarem

Chatting with group on the Amazon Floodplain
Wild cocoa
Juliana(a tourism student) came along
Fishermen in the Amazon

A three-toed sloth
Gil Serique windsurfing on the Tapajos River
Yello-geaded caracara at Maica river
a flock of Black skimmers in front of Santarem
Gil Serique at work (very rare)

Tipiti(squeezer) used for making manioc flour
Making manuic flour near Santarem
Tapping a rubber tree
The Meeting of the waters in Santarem
Gil Serique's home seen from the river
Calabash gourd collecting later from a rubber tree
Gil and two dear friends
Meeting of the waters in Santarem
Sapucaya nut
a crowded boat of cruise ship passengers fishing for piranhas
click to access website

Gil serique at work(very rare II)
kid with his puppy in the Amazon
chilling on the boat
a pigmy anteater
at the pier in Santarem

yellow-billed terns at maica river mouth
view of Santarem and meeting of the waters
a black collared hawk
Maria sieving manioc
bird eye view of maica river during dry season
a male three-toed sloth
a muscular pink dolphin

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1 comment:

Gil Serique: Culture, Windsurf & Wildlife In the Amazon said...

Thx 2 Raphael Serique 4 da pix and companionship