Monday 28 September 2009

Jungle Marathon 2009

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On October 8th this year, an international field of competitors will once again begin their journey at the picturesque resort of Alter-do-Chão, and sail up the Tapajos River, The most beautiful Amazon River’s tributary, to the tiny Hamlet of Itapuama. Here they Will spend two days at Jungle Marathon base camp, aclimatising and learning how to handle many of the obstacles they may encounter in the Amazon Jungle, in preparation for the start of the 2009 edition of Jungle Marathon.

Jungle Marathon is a 200 Km footrace, run in stages. The race is self-sufficient meaning that competitors carry all their own food and equipment for the week and an efficient local and international team provide comprehensive logistic support.

Runners pass by check points every 5Km- 7Km where they are resupplied with bottled water and they can be monitored by the medical team. Nights are spent sleeping in hammocks in pre-determined campsites, generally on the crystalline-sand beaches along the Tapajos River with the backdrop of the deep jungle behind them.
The stages vary in length from 16Km to 85Km. The longest of the stages takes competitors two days to complete so they continue running through the night.

The race itself is held in the spectacular Tapajos National Forest, a 600 thousand protected area in the Amazon Rainforest, which lies in the Brazilian state of Pará, in North West Brazil.

Here the competitors will interact with the people hospitality and outstanding rainforest biodiversity.
This year up to 130 runners Will take part in the race, coming from various parts of Brazil and from countries as far reaching as Australia, South Africa, USA, Germany, Austria, France, England, Scotland, Canada, China and Denmark. Several are runners who failed to make to the finish on the previous year, but for many, it is the beginning of an incredible experience, combining the challenge of sport with the thrill of an eco-adventure.

Jungle Marathon 2009 takes place from October 7th-18th. For further information please contact our media Co-ordinator Gil Serique on:

Saturday 19 September 2009

Forum Social Pan-Amazônico

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Manifesto do Fórum Social Pan-Amazônico

Somos os povos das florestas, dos lavrados, dos rios, das cidades, dos quilombos, das comunidades indígenas e camponesas e de organizações sociais do Brasil, Peru, Equador, Bolívia, Colômbia, Venezuela, Guiana, Suriname e Guiana Francesa. Somos a força viva da Pan-Amazônia. Somos muitas vozes falando centenas de idiomas, fazendo o mesmo chamado: é preciso deter a máquina que empurra o planeta e a humanidade para o abismo. Dar fim ao sistema capitalista que transforma a natureza e as pessoas em mercadoria e sobrevive às custas da exploração e humilhação de bilhões de seres humanos. Dizemos que é tempo de libertar o trabalho e a imaginação para reinventar a Terra e fazer dela a casa comum onde todos vivam com justiça e liberdade.

Somos diferentes por isto somos fortes. Irmãos e Irmãs unidos na rejeição de um mundo onde a produção e a distribuição das mercadorias se guia pelo lucro e não pela satisfação das necessidades humanas. Somos de muitos povos, distintos e mesclados. Por isto rechaçamos o pensamento único, o viver uniforme, as imposições econômicas, sociais, políticas, sexuais e culturais. Instituímos a cultura e a comunicação como armas para combatermos a dominação, a violência, o terror e a propriedade. Nos unimos à cultura das múltiplas rebeliões a favor da vida e da dignidade, por justiça e liberdade. Todas as culturas para todos. Somos assim: lutamos para construir um mundo onde caibam todos os mundos.

Compartilhamos utopias e lutas concretas. Proclamamos que a terra não pode ser propriedade e privilégio de alguns. Terra e água são bens comuns e não podem ser comercializados. Todo latifúndio é um crime contra a humanidade e como tal deve ser combatido. Reafirmamos nosso repúdio à exploração privada dos recursos naturais. Como a terra é de todos o seu uso deve ser responsabilidade de todos/as os/as cidadãos e cidadãs, atuando através de estados que devem ser controlados para refletirem a vontade e os direitos dos povos que representam.

O direito dos povos originários de manterem suas culturas, suas identidades e seus territórios é sagrado. Povos indígenas e quilombolas devem ter suas terras demarcadas e juntamente com as comunidades tradicionais ter reconhecidos seus direitos à autonomia e ao auto-governo sem que isto signifique separatismo ou cisão do território nacional. Isto significa que nenhum projeto pode ser implantado sem o prévio consentimento das comunidades que vivem nestes territórios. Somos contra os modelos energéticos que alteram a geografia, destroem o meio-ambiente, desalojam populações, afogam culturas, gerando miséria e sofrimento. Somos contra o agronegócio e modelos que exploram a terra com o intuito de lucro. Defendemos o direito inalienável de todos os seres humanos de viverem em paz, com saúde, educação, moradia e todas as garantias para desenvolverem plenamente suas potencialidades.

Milhões de amazônidas vivem nas áreas urbanas em grandes, médias e pequenas cidades. Todavia, não existem políticas públicas adequadas às diferentes realidades. Com isto são excluídos do acesso aos bens e serviços públicos, agravando ainda mais os problemas sociais e ambientais. Lutamos pelo direito à cidades democráticas e sustentáveis na Pan-Amazônia.

Não aceitamos a criminalização dos movimentos sociais e dos/as defensores/as dos Direitos Humanos, promovida pelas empresas multinacionais com o apoio dos aparatos estatais, que em nome do desenvolvimentismo tentam impedir a liberdade de manifestação e organização dos que lutam contra um modelo concentrador e excludente. Da mesma forma exigimos a anistia de todos/as companheiros e companheiras que estejam presos e ameaçados de morte por defenderem estes direitos.

Na Pan-Amazônia, muitos irmãos e irmãs já derramaram seu sangue por justiça e liberdade. Honramos seus nomes e seremos dignos de seu legado.

Com todas as nossas forças combatemos o racismo, o machismo e qualquer forma de agressão à livre opção religiosa e orientação sexual. Lutamos pelo fim do preconceito e pela inclusão dos portadores de deficiências. Lutamos pelo fim das fronteiras que não impedem a livre circulação de capitais, mas proíbem o direito de ir e vir dos seres humanos.

Lutamos para barrar o modelo de desenvolvimento que provoca a violência, a prostituição e a exploração sexual de meninas e mulheres; que amplia a expropriação do conhecimento tradicional de parteiras, artesãs, extrativistas, camponesas, que tem seu trabalho precarizado e patenteado por empresas multinacionais e transnacionais, limitando ainda mais as garantias de direitos e autonomia das mulheres. Acreditamos que um outro mundo é possível e lutamos para construí-lo.

Temos os olhos no horizonte e os pés plantados no chão. Nos solidarizamos com a resistência de nossos irmãos e irmãs da Amazônia Peruana em defesa de suas terras e contra a implantação do Tratado de Livre Comércio entre o Peru e os Estados Unidos. Exigimos o fim da militarização dos territórios dos povos originários, particularmente na Colômbia, ao mesmo tempo em que clamamos pelo fim da sangrenta guerra civil. Rechaçamos bases e tropas estrangeiras nos países da Pan-Amazônia e do continente americano. Expressamos nosso apoio aos esforços desenvolvidos para lograr a independência da Guiana do domínio francês, acabando assim com o último bastião continental do colonialismo em nossa América. Da mesma forma nos juntamos às vozes que exigem em Honduras a queda do regime golpista e o retorno da democracia; o fim do bloqueio econômico à Cuba; a retirada das tropas estrangeiras do Haiti e apóiam uma Palestina livre e independente.

Nos anos recentes, a América Latina tem vivido momentos preciosos na sua jornada de libertação. Defendemos que os acordos de integração regional resultem na supressão do fosso que separa os países sul-americanos, promova a sustentabilidade na Pan-Amazônia ao invés da pura exploração dos recursos naturais. Neste sentido, iniciativas como o Banco do Sul, a Unasul devem fortalecer a integração dos povos e não apenas os interesses econômicos. Da mesma forma reconhecemos a importância de outras iniciativas como a ALBA e o Tratado de Comércio para os Povos. Reconhecemos nas propostas do Bom Viver e dos Direitos da Natureza, elementos fundamentais na construção de um mundo novo.

Somos contra iniciativas que não contam com o consentimento das populações afetadas, como fazem o IIRSA e os tratados de livre comércio entre a União Européia e países latinoamericanos. Nos opomos à política de incentivo e envio de colonizadores para nossas regiões. Apoiamos políticas como a proposta equatoriana do Yasuni que promove a conservação dos recursos para as próximas gerações.

Até chegarmos aqui percorremos um longo caminho. Herdamos as experiências de quatro edições do Fórum Social Pan-Amazônico, precedidos por Encontros Sem–Fronteiras, base fundamental na construção de alianças entre os povos da Pan-Amazônia. Também somos fruto da Assembléia Pan-Amazônica, realizada no último Fórum Social Mundial, em Belém do Pará. Sabemos que a Pan-Amazônia é um dos mais importantes cenários da batalha que se trava pela salvação do planeta e da humanidade. A sabedoria de nossos antigos, transmitida ao longo de séculos de resistência, nos fazem compreender a necessidade de nos unirmos, trançando num único tecido as nossas muitas diferenças.

Neste encontro celebramos muitas alianças. Uma das mais importantes foi estabelecida com os povos da Cordilheira dos Andes, juntando assim o grande rio das nascentes até a foz numa grande torrente, alimentada por inúmeros afluentes, em direção à Terra Sem Males, proclamada por nossos antepassados.

Aqui também estabelecemos compromissos. Concordamos em coordenar nossos esforços, buscando uma maior eficácia em nossas ações. Neste sentido, participaremos de maneira coletiva e organizada da Semana de Mobilização Global de Luta pela Mãe Terra e contra a Colonização e a Mercantilização da Vida, de 12 a 18 de outubro de 2009. Nestes dias, a Pan-Amazônia de forma articulada, múltipla e unificada, marcará sua presença em defesa da vida, da soberania alimentar e do Bem Viver.

Estamos prontos para seguir adiante. O Conselho Pan-Amazônico, reconstituído neste encontro, tomará as medidas para assegurar a incessante troca de informações, práticas compartilhadas de comunicação, solidariedade permanente e ações coordenadas, a preparação e realização do V Fórum Social Pan-Amazônico, que será parte integrante do processo do Fórum Social Mundial, rumo à edição de Dacar, em Senegal, em 2011.

No fundo da selva os povos da floresta fazem ouvir sua voz.

Viva a Pan-Amazônia de todas as cores e todos os povos!

Belém | Pará | Brasil | 14 a 17 de julho de 2009.

Friday 18 September 2009

Wind Day &family day

Respectable Public!!! Pix by Rafael Serique

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Sunday 13 September 2009

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Thiago Monteiro, Flávio Anchieta, Marcelo Johnson, San Santiago e Mykalas Mascani.

Thursday 10 September 2009

It is a Google thing dudes!!! I dont get it.

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Read the menu carefully

Boys&girls will play on different playgrounds. They would certainly wish their diet was diversified as well. We are talking about the wildest eco-adventure in the world.
Have fun!!!

Saturday 5 September 2009

Ryan Sandes

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Who is Ryan Sandes?

Name : Ryan Nicholas Sandes

Nick Names : Hedgie

Born : 10th March 1982, Cape Town

School : South African College Schools (S.A.C.S.)

Sports Played : Cricket (Junior School) Rugby (2000 1st Xv), Water polo

Degree : Bsc Construction Sudies and Honours in Quantity Surveying (University of Cape Town)

Occupation : Quantity Surveyor for Faircape Property Developers

Hobbies : Mountain Biking, Paddling, Surfing and Trail Running

Spare time : Hanging on he beach, going for drinks and a party with friends, going on road trips and traveling.

Favorite Food : Pizza and Steak

Dislikes : Dishonesty

Favorite movie : Snatch

Favorite Band : Red Hot Chili Peppers

A brief Q & A will give you some insight into who, what where and when ...

1. Who or what is your inspiration in life ?

There are a couple of people that inspire me; for one, Nelson Mandela - it is incredible how forgiving he was after being imprisoned for over a quarter of his life. He has changed so many peoples lives for the better and is probably the most loved and respected person in the world. I think the world could do with a few more Mandela’s !!
My parents – for all the support and sacrifices they have made for me during the years. I would not be where I am now with out them.
And my grandfather for his approach to life was very similar to mine, make the most of everything in life and live every day as if it were your last.

2. What goes through your mind when you go for 70km training runs or when you were running in the Gobi desert ?

A lot!! What am I doing?? Haha..

I try and break the run down into smaller 5-10km pieces and use every 5-10km section as a goal to achieve. This helps as if you try and do a 70km run with out breaking the race up it is very difficult. When you are having a low or bad patch during a race / run and you have broken it down into sections then when you start the new section it feels like you are starting fresh again.
I tell myself to keep going and focus on the positives of the run / race I.e. surroundings etc..

3. What preparations do you need to make physically and emotionally for these ultra marathons?

I think the race is probably 55% mental and 45% physical.

Preparing for a race like this can physically drain you and take it out of you. Training for 18-25 hours is very demanding on your body and you need a lot of sleep to recover. After my long runs on the weekend I just sit in front of the TV and vegetate. But it also depends on what your goals are as if you are just aiming to finish you can probably get away with a lot less training. I believe what you put into something is what you get out; therefore, all the hard training definitely does pay off during the race.
I think you need mentally tough or maybe just stupid during longer runs / multi day races as your body tells you to stop and your mind needs to tell yourself just keep going. I enjoy this aspect of the race as it is interesting to see how far you can push yourself.

4. What supplements do you take ?

I take daily multi vitamin tablets to keep my energy and immunity levels up which also prevents me from getting sick. After most runs I use a product from Hammer Nutrition called Recoverite which helps put back everything into my body which I lost during the run. I also use Whey Protein from Hammer Nutrition which helps my muscles repair themselves after a long run. Often after a long run or a hard week of training my legs etc are sore so I use a Buchu natural anti inflammatory, which is made by Buchu Life / Cape Kingdom, to reduce the inflammation and get me back feeling good again.

5. What do you eat for breakfast before you go for a long run and what do you eat during the run ?

I normally eat a bowl of Pronutro (high in protein and vitamins) before a long run and drink a cup of coffee. During my Long runs I use Perpetuem (product from Hammer nutrition) which has got all the necessary carbs, sugars, proteins etc to keep me going for up to 12hours without eating. I mix it into a paste and drink it with water. I also use Endurolytes (Hammer nutrition) tablets during a long run which put back all the electrolytes etc I loose while running and prevents cramping.

6. Do you stop to take breaks in the multi day multi stage races, or is it better to physically push through and keep going?

I try and keep going as when you stop your body starts to get stiff and you become lazy and it is really hard to get going again. During the Gobi race we had to stop at the check points to get water but this was not for more than 30 seconds. During a multi stage event I think the longer you spend on the coarse during a stage the harder it gets as you have less time to recover for the next stage.

7. Did you get to speak to your family at all during the Gobi run?

No - you are not allowed cell phones but I could receive messages of support.

8. How long in advance do you start training for an event like the Gobi and Sahara?

I started training 5-6 months before the Gobi Desert race as I had never done a multi day event or a race over 42m and therefore had to get my legs used to that sort of distance (250km). For Sahara I started training properly 3 months before the race as train really hard for the first 2 months and then taper down and take it easy for the last month (took month before Gobi easy as well). I think it is better to be under trained than over trained for an event like his as if you go into it feeling mentally and physically tired you will really battle. You need to be feeling physically and mentally fresh as this race really takes it out of you. After a long race like this I would recommend taking it easy for a month after. I did not do this after Gobi which was a mistake. So I will be taking it easy for a few weeks after Sahara.
9. What does your average training programme look like ?

I normally train in a 3-4 week cycle - starts off with an easy week which builds up to my difficult week.

Average weekly programme for Sahara:
Monday – Gym in evening and Sauna after
Tuesday – Run for 15 to 25km including running in environmental chamber (1hour on road + 40min to hour in chamber)
Wednesday – Run 2 to 3 hours on trails/mountain (with back pack etc)
Thursday - Run for 15 to 25km including running in environmental chamber (1hour on road + 40min to hour in chamber)
Friday – Gym
Saturday – 3 to 9hour run on trails /mountains (with pack etc)
Sunday – 3 to 5hour run on trails /mountains (with pack etc) + Gym and sauna

I also try and run at least two “big weekends” where I run 4 consecutive long runs in a row (Friday – Monday). Gym is also important as I makes your muscles stronger and prevents injuries.

10. Do you train with anyone or is it better to train on your own ?

I try and mix it up – sometimes I will run with someone for the start of my run and then finish off on my own. I also enjoy putting my I- pod on and just cruising on my own mission -just running wherever with no planned route. It is an awesome way of un winding when I am stressed out and just zoning out from reality. I think I push myself harder when I am on my own, but enjoy running with other people as time seems to go a lot quicker on a long run which can drag on for ever when you on your own and your legs don’t want to go any longer.

11. besides running what do you enjoy doing ?

Hanging out with friends and having a good time, a good party, chilling on the beach, surfing and surf skiing, mountain biking, just been outdoors and enjoying living in Cape Town, watching sport live or on TV and traveling

12. what time do you go to bed every evening ?

I think it is important to try get as much rest as possible to let my body recover when I am training hard, therefore I normally go to bed at about 9-10 pm. I get up quite early (5pm) as I get to work at 6:45 -7am and leave at 4pm to train.

13. Are you allowed to eat or drink unhealthily or will that affect your training ?

I try and eat relatively healthily but I do not follow a specific diet. I eat just about all foods and definitely enjoy beer and a few tequilas. I think it is important to eat and drink healthily but you also need to enjoy life. I read about this tribe in Mexico that are nomads and run about 50km a day from village to village in leather sandals. Apparently they drink tequila during their runs to hydrate so maybe I should try that during he Sahara race.. Jokes I would not make it past the first few km’s. The above is a true story that was in Mens Health I think.

14. Do you have a coach or trainer as such who helps you with things to focus on in your training ?

Ian Waddle has been giving me monthly programs which has helped a lot as it gives me a set routine to follow. I tend to over do things so his programs have helped me to train hard but then also to back off and have easy weeks to recover and come back stronger.

Chris Alan my physiotherapist who I go to once a week also helps a lot with my training as he is good at picking up small niggles which can become serious and gives me the strengthening exercises etc to prevent injuries. He is also a runner which makes a big difference as when you go to most physios with an injury they tell you to stop running but with Chris I think your leg would need to be broken before he would tell you not too run, even then he might still let you run. But it seems to work and he has kept me on the trails and roads with out any serious injuries this year (touch wood).

15. what do you do to relax ?

I used to enjoy a social life!! This year I think the only chance I get to relax is when I am sleeping.
I normally relax by: Hanging out with my friends ; Listening to music, watching movies or sport and spending time on Llandudno beach in summer – Surfing etc.

16. What races are you focusing on for the next 2 years ?

This is a list of major races I want to do, I also do a number of local races for training etc.

250km self supporting : Sahara Desert October 2008 (
250 km self supporting :Namibia May 2009 (
Cape Odyssey October 2009 (206km stage race not self supporting) or Trans 333km in Sahara desert (non stop race not self supporting)
250km self supporting Atacama Desert race in Chile (
250km self supporting Last Desert race in Antarctica (
Other races I would like to do are the Bad Water Ultra Marathon in Death Valley USA, Marathon Des Saables and the Grand Raid in Reunion.

17. Once you have completed a multi stage multi day race do you follow a special cool down exercise programme or simply stop exercising for a certain period of time ?

I normally do some stretching, drink some Recoverite (recovery drink from Hammer Nutrition), put on recovery tights and go and lie down to get off my feet and give my legs a chance to recover.

18. What do your friends and family think of the fact that you won the Gobi ?

My family and friends were super stoked and proud I won as I do not think they expected it. I think they thought I was going to crash and burn after going out so hard on the first stage. I think a lot of my friends think I am mad and have lost the plot with all the training I do.

Friday 4 September 2009

Get it on.

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The story is better told if you look at two xtrems of the map: You see Santarém and Aveiro.
But you really want to be at Itapuama where athlets from the four corners of the world decide to be at Jungle Marathon camp, to aclimatase and start an adventure that will never forget.

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Maratona Da Selva 2009

A expectativa de todos envolvidos na Maratona da Selva é grande para a edição de 2009. Este ano teremos a participação de competidores dos mais variados países e será a mais internacional das cinco edições.

Cento e quinze atletas vindos da Austrália, Nova Zelândia, Estados Unidos, Canadá, México, China, Guiana Francesa, África do Sul, Egito, Estônia, Inglaterra, Escócia, Pais de Gales, Irlanda do Norte, Irlanda, Itália, Portugal, França, Dinamarca, Noruega, Suécia, Alemanha, e claro do Brasil estarão na linha de largada em Itapuma(flona Tapajos)e sonham cruzar a linha de chegada em Alter do Chão.

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A competição poderá ser acompanhada como de costume pelos mais variados meios de comunicação. Blogs, web sites, revistas, jornais e estações de rádio e televisão no Brasil e no exterior.

Um dos últimos a se inscrever foi Robert Bennett dos Estados Unidos que participou no ano passado, mas terminou sendo evacuado no final da terceira etapa para a UTI em Santarém onde passou a maior parte da corrida acompanhando pela televisão. Robert está determinado a chegar a Santarém correndo ao invés de ambulancha!

A Maratona da Selva 2009 acontecerá de 8 a 17 de Outubro.
Para informações contactar Gil Serique visite o site oficial da corrida e o blog