Sunday 7 August 2011

Tapajos National Forest Tour

Sophie de Boysson and Capixaba

Gil Serique fixing a drink

Gil Serique and Sophie

Saturday 6 August 2011

Introducing Windsurf Equipment to my daughter

-See Flora, my dear daughter, this is a harness. You have to have one soon, very soon. It works pretty much like a pacifier. It is indispensable for a great windsurfing


Tuesday 2 August 2011

Last Supper em Belo Montes (os outros tao contando $ no banheiro)

Meanwhile in Altamira (Belo Monte)


Monday 1 August 2011

Weapons of mass destruction

A convoy of boats landed on the morning of Monday 3 (5 / 7), on the dock of Vitória do Xingu (PA), 37 heavy machine that will work in the construction of the first construction sites of hydroelectric Belo Monte. The equipment, recently acquired by the Consortium Builder Belo Monte (CCBM), left the port of Belem on the night of Friday 6 and reached the destination after more than 80 hours away.

A moment in History (part I I)

The year we got together to protest against Kararao and Babaquara Hydroeletrics was 1989, they are known today as Belo Monte Dam. The key people were the various Brazilian indigenous groups  plus Heraldo Maués and Darrel Possey (anthropologists), Pinon Friaes (ecologist), Fabio Feldman, Paulo Capobianchi (ecologists), Barbara Bramble(Journalist)), Barbara Pyle (ecologist), CIMI people...Sting was there, Gabeira, Manuel Dutra (jornalist), Camilo Viana (ecologist), Celivaldo Carneiro (journalist), Marcelo Rubens Paiva(writer) Lucelia Santos (actress), Vivaldo Reis (UFPa), Brigitte Bardoux missed the plane. Kubei, Raoni, Paiakan, Davi Yanomami, Tuto Pombo...

Fernando Gabeira, Que é isso companheiro?

Marcelo Rubens Paiva (Feliz ano velho)

Coronel Pombo

A moment in History (part I)

The year we got together to protest against Kararao and Babaquara Hydroeletrics was 1989, they are known today as Belo Monte Dam. The key people were the various Brazilian indigenous groups  plus Heraldo Maués and Darrel Possey (anthropologists), Pinon Friaes (ecologist), Fabio Feldman, Paulo Capobianchi (ecologists), Barbara Bramble(Journalist)), Barbara Pyle (ecologist), CIMI people...Sting was there, Gabeira, Manuel Dutra (jornalist), Camilo Viana (ecologist), Celivaldo Carneiro (journalist), Marcelo Rubens Paiva(writer) Lucelia Santos (actress), Vivaldo Reis (UFPa), Brigitte Bardoux missed the plane. Kubei, Raoni, Paiakan, Davi Yanomami, Tuto Pombo, Kararao, Tuira....and of course myself., there were also various cock-heads representing Eletronorte and the government too.

Pinon Friaes

Guerreira Tuira

Gil Serique