Tuesday 23 June 2009

One day in life, everyday life.

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Ana, said...

Hi Gil, well, i was reading the text below about Sebastião Tapajós, he's a complete musician, and i'm ashamed 'cause i didn't know his work, then, i was watching tv and he appeared saying he was going present her music in the culture house, next the museum, i dont know well..
i'm sad 'cause i'd lost the opportunity to know his music.
in fact, i'm unpugled at all (haha)
well, see you and i adicted you my favourites.
i'm needing pratice my english and come here, read your posts will be a quite important tool.
kiss, take care. Paula. (sorry to post anonnymous i dont have a google account yet.)

Gil Serique: Culture, Windsurf & Wildlife In the Amazon said...

Hi Paula
congrats for the amazing english skills.
Sebastião Tapajos will stay anothert week or two before going to his tour in Sao Paulo. I am sure he will be more then pleased to meet you in his place at anytime.

I might visit him again soon and you most welcome to join me.

For more visit www.sebastiaotapajos.blogspot.com

He is a genius and a terrific person.
keep in touch



Kátia Maciel said...

Ei mano,

Muito bacana os blog´s...parabéns! Eu gostaria muito de ouvir o novo trabalho do Sebastião Tapajós...já está a venda?
Tenho um amigo português que toca cavaquinho e também é fascinado no som dele!

Beijos...saudades sempre!

Gil Serique: Culture, Windsurf & Wildlife In the Amazon said...

vc escolhe vendo aqui em casa custa 30 plecos.
outra possibilidade é vc baixar, logo vai estar disposto um link pra download aqui no blog. Seja como for se vc escutar o dito cujo vc volta nadando. E uma homenagem do virtuose a nossa Santarem que amamos tanto. Deve ser horrivel morar longe daqui.

Força sempre


Ana, said...

well, i would love it. but, i'll stay these vacations at my hometown, (what a pity!)
i'll be in the road tomorrow, unluckly, will not be this time but when i come back i'll look for you and our lovely-little-friend André, (auahauhauah)
regards, Paula.